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Ushirika Wa Wakulima Wa Zabibu Na Masoko Mpunguzi

Ushirika wa Wakulima wa Zabibu na Masoko Mpunguzi Ltd (UWAZAMAM) is a registered cooperative society. The cooperative was registered on 27th July 2010 with registration number SIR/535. The cooperative has been assigned Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 114-235-334. The principal office is situated at Mpunguzi area in Dodoma Municipal Council about 100m from the highway to Iringa. UWAZAMAM has a share distribution of Six million shares each worth 10,000 shs, each member is supposed to own 5 share i.e. worth 50,000 shs. Most have paid for few shares others are hanging. The cooperative is a membership based with 196 active members of which 129 are males and 67 being females. On aggregate members owns about 300 acres of vines. The cooperative is managed through a board that has 7 members. Within this board there is a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and four members. The major achievement of UWAZAMAM has been setting up a grape juice processing factory at the cooperative premises at Mpunguzi. The factory creates an open market for grapes from members and non-members of the cooperative at a relative better price. On the other hand operation of the factory improves livelihood of members and surrounding community by assurance of household income as a result of grape business.



Ushirika wa Wakulima wa Zabibu na Masoko Mpunguzi Ltd (UWAZAMAM) is a registered cooperative society. The cooperative was registered on 27th July 2010 with registration number SIR/535. The cooperative has been assigned Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 114-235-334. The principal office is situated at Mpunguzi area in Dodoma Municipal Council about 100m from the highway to Iringa.


 UWAZAMAM  has a share distribution of Six million shares each worth 10,000 shs, each member is supposed to own 5 share i.e. worth 50,000 shs. Most have paid for few shares others are hanging.


The cooperative is a membership based with 196 active members of which 129 are males and 67 being females. On aggregate members owns about 300 acres of vines. The cooperative is managed through a board that has 7 members. Within this board there is a Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and four members.


The major achievement of UWAZAMAM has been setting up a grape wine processing factory at the cooperative premises at Mpunguzi. The factory creates an open market for grapes from members and non-members of the cooperative at a relative better price. On the other hand operation of the factory improves livelihood of members and surrounding community by assurance of household income as a result of grape business.


UWAZAMAM intends to become a progressive growth oriented industry representative, recognized as a regional leader in the Grape and bulky wines Industry and an authentic leader in Tanzania agricultural sector.


To be a major producer and distributor of grapes and bulky wine of best quality in Tanzania


The overall business objective is to establish a sustainable bulk grape wine business that meets the demand requirement of both farmers and consumers by 2023



Vidumu vya lita 5 na vidumu vya lita 1

Contact Us

Name Ushirika Wa Wakulima Wa Zabibu Na Masoko Mpunguzi
Email uwazamamemail@gmail.com
Phone number 0787638887
Address Dodoma Manicipality
Location P.O.Box 1249
Region Dodoma
District Dodoma Municipal
Ward Mpunguzi

Our Products

Good wine
Distallation Wine


# Name Activity
1 Laban Nyakapala grapes farmer
2 Admon Chigulu grapes farmer
3 David Nghwasa grapes farmer
4 Gerald Mackoba Grapes farmer
5 Carolina Manyungu Grapes farmer